This is a game for 2 players only.
One of the eight characters will be the Phantom of the Opera.
The detective side wins if it can be identified by the time limit.
The Phantom side wins if the game ends with it hidden.
It's like a detective + puzzle game.
I was surprised at the big board because I knew only "Battle Line" and "Lost City" in the two-player game until I played this.
This is a board.

Character tokens are placed like this.

There are 8 character tokens.
The leading actress tile represents a time limit.
When the actress Tile goes all the way to the right, she runs away from the Opera.
It is a victory on the Phantom side for fulfilling that purpose.
First, decide the Phantom with a card. Only the Phantom side knows it.

Move 2 tokens each on the detective side and the Phantom side during one round.

Looking at the board after moving the tokens, the Phantom side announces one of the following:
① The Phantom of the Opera has appeared.
= The Phantom token is alone.
② The Phantom of the Opera did not appear.
= The Phantom token is with others.
Don't lie.

So, if "the Phantom does not appear" is announced in the following situations

If they find themselves innocent, flip the token over. The back is black and white.

Detectives win if they narrow down the colored tokens to one person by the time limit.
At the end of the round, the leading actress will advance the track by the number of colored tokens.
If the Phantom appears, add one track to proceed.

Which token can you move?
At the beginning of the round, open 4 out of 8 characters.

The 1st player moves one of them,
2nd moves two people.
And 1st moves the remaining one.
In the next round, four unused cards will be used.
The player's play order also changes.
You can use unique special abilities when moving the character.

The detective side
"wants to verify the conditions of color characters separately."
the Phantom side
"wants to make the color characters the same conditions as possible"

We try to do this using the character's abilities.
It's like solving a puzzle.
In odd rounds, you can see that the remaining characters will come to the next round, so it is important to play including that.

What happens occasionally
The Phantom side wants to keep the colored characters as much as possible.
If possible, I would like to create a situation where everyone can be gathered in one place and not narrowed down at all.
However, the opponent also moves the tokens, so the first move is often 4-4. Ideally 3-5 (the Phantom is 5). I know that.
but, I accidentally do this.
The situation which can become 6-2 (the Phantom is 2) if the detective side moves it in a certain way
In other words, the number of suspects has decreased to two at once, and the leading actress has only advanced by two squares.
The Phantom side is super disadvantageous.

I usually notice when I take my finger off the token.
In the first round, the detective always moves first.
Of course, the detective also notices.

The Phantom side is the worst in a 6-2 situation (the Phantom token in the minority).So the Phantom side pretends to be bluffing.

be spotted!!

Well, like that, the last is like Chess problem.

The offense and defense of "let's make the conditions the same" and "let's divide" is very interesting.
The special abilities are simple enough to be remembered once you hear them, and they are also shown below the card.
It takes about 30 minutes per game, and I think it's a good work that people who like it can play all night.
Thai Taro is strangely strong, and I get angry if I continue to lose, so playing about 3 times is appropriate.
I also like the theme of the Phantom at the Opera, so it's a game that I sometimes want to play.
If you see it, please play it.